Little Girl Shining
is a blog created for everyday mums of little girls. If this is you, then you’ll feel right at home here!
This is the place to find everything related to little girls, from helpful posts to lots of tips and printable resources. You’ll also find an abundance of printable activities, inspirational greeting cards and digital wall art that were all created with little girls in mind.
But I haven’t forgotten YOU mum, the most important role model a young girl will ever have. So, I hope you enjoy reading posts that inspire and help you in some way, after all, if mum is shining, so will her little girl!

Hi, I’m Alli.
I live in sunny Brisbane, Australia and I’m a mum to an effervescent and talkative little girl, who also happens to be the main inspiration for this blog.
After leaving my full-time job to stay home and raise my daughter, I felt inspired to start a blog dedicated to mums with little girls—a topic that was especially close to my heart.
You see, if there’s something I know about, it’s girls. My whole life has revolved around them.
I’m a mum to a little girl, the oldest of three sisters, and all my cousins are girls. My closest friends from school are mums to girls, and every female boss I’ve had has been a mum of girls too. I’m the definition of girl overload!
Parenting my daughter has provided me with an abundance of incredible stories and insights, and I can’t wait to share them with you.
Here are some fun personal facts about me

For more ‘girl mum’ topics, helpful tips, and free resources, don’t forget to subscribe to Little Girl Shining. You’ll be joining a group of mums with one special thing in common… we all have little girls! x