Get organised with these 5 helpful planners for busy mums

Mums are amazing! In a single day, the average mum will perform the role of many. She’ll be a cook, cleaner, chauffeur, teacher, bookkeeper, waitress, event organiser, counsellor, hairdresser, tutor, dog walker… you get the drift. We can’t make all our responsibilities disappear, but we can do something to ease our daily stresses and reduce

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What every Parent can do to Reduce Bullying in Primary School

My daughter is currently happy at school and enjoying her friendships. There was a time though when this wasn’t the case. She had experienced ongoing bullying by a child at her previous school and it impacted her immensely.   When it was at its worst, I’d find myself tearing up in private because I felt

What every Parent can do to Reduce Bullying in Primary School Read More »

What to do when you don’t like playing with your daughter

Before I became a mum, I thought I knew what kind of parent I’d be. I’d spend time daydreaming about all the lovely playtime I’d share with my child. I’d imagine us giggling and having so much fun together. Then my daughter came along, the “Brady Bunch” daydreaming stopped and reality kicked in. I quickly

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7 Ways that the love of reading will benefit your daughter

I’m an avid reader and have loved to read since I was a teenager. You’ll always find a book (or two) on my bedside table. Throughout my life, reading has helped me in so many ways. Not only has it educated me, but it’s also allowed me to forget my troubles. When I read, I’m

7 Ways that the love of reading will benefit your daughter Read More »

Inspiring Quotes to Share with your Daughter

Here are some inspiring quotes to share with your daughter. You’ll notice I use quotes a lot throughout my blog and social media posts. The reason they resonate with me so much is that I find them: thought-provoking, motivational, inspiring, educational, enlightening and amusing. Sharing Quotes with your Daughter I’m always sharing quotes with my

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