School Topics

What to organise BEFORE school starts. A Free Guide for First-Time School Mums.

Each year in primary schools around Australia, thousands of little kids start school for the very first time. For many mums, it’s a first-time experience too, because they have just become new school mums. Little do our kids understand just how much work has been done behind the scenes, over many months, to get them

What to organise BEFORE school starts. A Free Guide for First-Time School Mums. Read More »

The easy way I teach my daughter her spelling words.

When my daughter started kindergarten and I became a first-time school mum, homework became a part of our lives. During the first few years of school, my daughters’ biggest hurdle was learning her spelling words. My biggest hurdle was to find a way to teach them to her so that she would remember them. Not

The easy way I teach my daughter her spelling words. Read More »

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