Could Blogging be the Passion you are Searching For?

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Last Updated on August 15, 2023 by alli

I’ve spent a large chunk of my life searching for my passion. Then I found blogging, and it has given me everything I was looking for and more! Are you a mum that’s feeling stuck and searching for fulfillment? Could blogging be the passion you are searching for?

My Long Search for my Passion in Life

Before I became a mum, I worked in numerous industries like Travel and Tourism, Banking, Property Development, and even ran my own retail business for a while. But they were all just ‘jobs’ and none of them led me to my contentment.

I spent years searching but just couldn’t find something that excited me. I felt stuck and became frustrated with myself. Why couldn’t I find something? What was wrong with me?!

The years went by, and I eventually met my partner and became a mum. After my daughter arrived, I became a stay-at-home mum and was in my early 40s.

Then slowly everything changed. It all happened organically. One thing led to another, and here I am now, happily spending most of my free time blogging and writing posts about motherhood and raising little girls!

In a nutshell, I found my passion thanks to my daughter. Through parenting and raising her, I started to get an urge to share the same motherhood issues that I was experiencing with other mums of girls.  

After looking into it, I found out the best way to connect and share my experiences and ideas with other mums was through blogging.

Learning how to start a Blog

I had never blogged before and knew nothing about the process. I also had no experience or knowledge about website management or how to market myself. Then there was all the other stuff, like what would I call my blog? How would I design my logo? How would I even market myself? The thought of it all was so over whelming that I did nothing about it for a year.

One day I was on YouTube watching video after video of people giving advice about how to become a successful blogger. (I became very good at doing that, just watching the videos and not taking any action.) That’s when I came across a lady in the US called Suzi (from Start a mom Blog). She really stood out and I felt like it was meant to be because she was offering EXACTLY what I needed. That is, an easy to follow, step-by-step course on how to start a blog.

Suzi’s story is amazing within itself. After a few years of successful blogging, she realised she could help other mums start their own blogging journey. So, she created “Start A Mom Blog.” Her blog course is so popular that she has taught over 100,000 students. She has been so successful that she has been able to retire her husband! They are now a team working together on Start a mom Blog.

By the time I finished her course, I was-

  • Managing my own website  
  • Writing and publishing blog posts
  • Understanding SEO and Keywords
  • Creating digital products
  • Marketing myself!

To say I was proud of myself is an understatement!

Why Blogging is a Fantastic Hobby for Mums

I believe blogging is a fantastic hobby for everyone, but particularly for mums who are searching for personal growth and fulfilment. Here are some of the reasons why I love blogging –

1. No matter what your interest, hobbies or talents are, you can blog about them! Whether it’s your love of coffee, your interest in books or your gardening talents. No matter what it may be, there is an audience out there for you!

2. If you’re a stay-at-home mum, blogging provides you with a way to connect with other mums and build a community.

3. Blogging offers flexibility and convenience. For example: I make my own deadlines. I can write and publish my posts at my own pace, and within my own schedule. This means I’m able to prioritise all my mum responsibilities, while still pursuing my passion!

4. It helps you expand your knowledge through research and writing. You’ll also learn and enhance so many new skills from website and social media management to marketing.

5. If your blog does well and attracts a large and loyal audience, there is potential for you to bring in extra income. The sense of achievement that you’ll get from being able to pay a few household bills (or more) through blogging is fantastic!

For me, blogging is a source of personal growth and learning. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve learnt over the past two years! For one, I’ve built my own website, with no previous experience! It’s not flashy by any means, but I’m proud of it and I love it because it represents me and my growth.

What you need to consider before starting a Blog

Here are some important things to know and consider about blogging –

1. It’s important you have a niche and target yourself to a specific audience. When you know who your audience is, you then need to understand their pain points and be able to satisfy their needs and help them in some way.

Some examples of popular niches are – Fashion, Travel, Health & Fitness, Personal Finance and Parenting. These are referred to as ‘main’ niches. You should then niche down and focus on one specific area within the main niche. For example, my main niche is ‘Parenting’ and I have niched down to ‘Mothers who have little girls.’ Someone else may have Parenting as their main niche but niche down to ‘Single parents.’ You need to identify your specific audience and target your writing to them.

2. You really need to enjoy writing because you’ll be doing a lot of it!

3. You’ll need patience and persistence because building an audience takes time. Be prepared for slow growth in the beginning. I am two years in and have just started to gain momentum and am growing my audience. If you are seeking instant reward, then blogging may not be for you.

4. Consistency is a key factor to growing your blog. You’ll need to be disciplined and consistently working hard to produce good quality content regularly.

5. Having great content isn’t enough! You’ll need to actively promote your blog through numerous channels such as social media, email newsletters, collaborations and guest posting to increase visibility and grow your audience.

6. Blogging is not just about writing posts and creating content. It also includes marketing, having a social media presence, understanding SEO, and driving traffic to your website. Blogging is like running a little business, and you are the head of various departments.

For me personally, I love all the elements of blogging. If it was about writing post after post, then it wouldn’t be for me. I get to plan, create, market, research, connect and write. All of this from one passion!

As a busy mum, I don’t have a lot of spare time. But when I do, I now always choose to sit in front of my laptop monitor instead of my TV monitor! Blogging has given me a purpose and a new lease in life. Could it do the same for you?

For more tips, advice and free resources, don’t forget to subscribe to Little Girl Shining. You’ll be joining a group of mums with one special thing in common… we all have little girls! x

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