Last Updated on December 16, 2024 by alli
Mums are amazing! In a single day, the average mum will perform the role of many. She’ll be a cook, cleaner, chauffeur, teacher, bookkeeper, waitress, event organiser, counsellor, hairdresser, tutor, dog walker… you get the drift.
We can’t make all our responsibilities disappear, but we can do something to ease our daily stresses and reduce feeling overwhelmed. What we can do is get ORGANISED!
The benefits of being organised
Being organised really is the key to success. When you’re organised you feel in control of your day. Your stress levels reduce, and you are happier because you have a sense of accomplishment.
One way to be more organised is to plan ahead. So, to help you out, I’ve created 5 handy and easy-to-use planners. They’re instant downloadable files, and best of all, they’re free!
Here are my 5 Helpful Planners for Busy Mums.
Weekly Dinner Planner with Shopping List
Hand on heart, I can honestly say that dinner is always a breeze whenever I know what I’ll be cooking, and I have all my ingredients ready to go. Not only does everything run smoothly in the kitchen but my frame of mind is positive.
On the other hand, when I haven’t planned for dinner, things don’t go well. I usually find myself staring into the pantry or fridge and trying to work out what to cook last minute. This usually always leaves me feeling frustrated because I’ll decide on a dish only to realise I don’t have all the ingredients. So annoying!
The answer to having a week of stress-free dinners is to plan ahead.

Weekly Planners
When you’re a mum with a young family, each week is super busy. There is so much to remember and do. My daughters’ extra-curricular activities and school schedules dominate my week. On top of that, there is my part-time job, my home responsibilities and any additional appointments that pop up. Sound familiar?
This is why using a planner can be a life saver.
For a planner to be used properly, it needs to be kept in a handy place where it’s easy to see and access. I keep mine on my desk in my home office because I work from home and spend a lot of time there. You may prefer to keep yours on the fridge or anywhere that works for you.

Self-Care Planner for busy mums
I love the saying “You can’t pour from an empty bucket”. Essentially what this means is, that if you’re not taking good care of yourself and your own needs, you won’t be able to take good care of others.
Mums need to prioritise some self-care in their lives. I was really bad at doing this, but not anymore. Burning the candle at both ends and constantly feeling exhausted, frustrated, and stressed out did not help me or my family.
Now I prioritise self-care in my busy week. I always make time for it, no matter how small the activity or short the duration, because when I’m feeling good about myself, I’m a better mother and partner.

School Holiday Planners
School holidays cause a change to our normal schedules and an increase in spending.
We all do our best to keep the kids entertained as much as possible, preferably without breaking the bank. So, the more prepared we are (timewise and financially) the better the holiday period will be.
Once again, this is where planning ahead can help.

Family Holiday Packing Lists
I read a great quote the other day that’s so true. It said “Parents don’t really go on vacation. They just take care of their kids in a different city.”
So, if you’ve got a trip booked to look after your kids in another city, I’ve got a great little holiday packing list for you!

Additional tips to help you ease some of your pre-holiday planning stress.
- Change all the bed sheets a day before you leave. That way, when you return from your holiday everyone will have fresh/clean sheets to sleep in.
- Let a neighbour know you’ll be away and swap phone numbers. This will allow them to reach you in case of an emergency.
- If you’re expecting any packages to be delivered, remember to ask a neighbour or friend to look out for them and hold on to them until you return.
- Remember to ask a neighbour, friend or relative to put your bins out if required.
- A day or two before you leave, write down a thorough shopping list of everything you’ll need when you return. Then do an online grocery shop and have it ready for checkout on your return. Or (if you are not overseas and are holidaying locally), you can check out and pay on the day you are travelling back home and arrange delivery at a time that suits you. If you don’t use online shopping, still have your shopping list ready. You’ll have one less thing to do when you get back home!
- A few days before you leave on your holiday, cook up a healthy dinner that can be frozen. That way when you return you’ll be able to heat the prepared dinner you have in the freezer. This will save you the hassle of having to cook on your first night back. Some good freezer recipes are – Bolognese sauce, lasagna, pasta sauces, soups and casseroles.
- Remember to pay all the bills that are due while you’re away. No one wants to be thinking of or paying bills while on vacation!
I hope you find some of the above tips useful. 😊
Download the free planners and get organised.
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