Refund Policy

Little Girl Shining strives to provide customers with high quality digital products. Before making a purchase, we encourage you to review the details and descriptions of our products carefully to make an informed decision.

Due to the nature of digital products, we do not offer refunds for any digital downloads purchased through our website. We may, however, consider refunds in the following situations:

1. Duplicate Purchases: If you accidentally purchase the same digital product twice, we will gladly refund the duplicate purchase.

2. Technical Issues: If you encounter technical difficulties that prevent you from downloading or accessing the digital product, we will work with you to resolve the issue or offer a refund at our discretion.

3. Incorrect Product Delivery: In the event of an incorrect digital product delivery, we will either provide the correct product or issue a refund.

4. Product is not as described:  If the digital product you purchased does not match the description provided at the time of purchase, we are committed to offering you a refund as part of our guarantee for product accuracy and customer satisfaction.

Refund Request Process:

If you believe that your situation meets one of the exemption criteria listed above, please contact within [7] days of the purchase date. To initiate the refund request please, provide the following information:

1. Your full name and contact information.

2. Purchase details.

3. A detailed description of the issue or reason for the refund request.

We will respond in a timely manner, and no later than three (3) business days.

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Little Girl Shining