Last Updated on December 16, 2024 by alli
Lately, I’ve noticed my daughter not valuing or being grateful for the things that she has. Her focus is more on the things she wants, and they are usually things that her school friends have. This is not unusual for a young child. But even so, I know this is where I now need to step in and focus on teaching her (by example) the benefits of gratitude.

When was the last time you took the time to be grateful for the things you had?
We all have things to be thankful for. If we were to start to acknowledge them regularly, the benefits would be great, and in some cases life-changing. Gratitude is a positive and powerful emotion that has the potential to transform our lives.

What is Gratitude?
In a nutshell, gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation for what we have.
When we practise gratitude, we become more mindful of the people, places, and things in our lives that bring us happiness.
Practising gratitude can be as simple as taking a moment to stop to appreciate something, like a sunset or a great cup of coffee. Gratitude helps us remember what really matters in life, and to refocus our energy on creating more positive experiences.
The Benefits of Gratitude
Here are 5 life-changing benefits of gratitude.
1. Overall Improved Health
Expressing gratitude leads to higher levels of happiness, optimism, and improved mental strength. You’re more likely to be able to cope better with stress and negative emotions when you practice gratitude. Being thankful for things will help boosts your overall well-being, including your physical health, immunity and blood pressure.
2. Better Sleep Quality
Those who practice gratitude tend to sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed. This is because they are more relaxed and satisfied with their life.
3. Improved Relationships
Gratitude helps to strengthen relationships, because when we are happier, we have more understanding, appreciation, and kindness towards people.
4. A Greater Sense of Purpose and Productivity
By practising gratitude daily, you can become more mindful of your life’s purpose and focus on what matters. You can also become more productive in achieving your goals and ambitions.
5. Increased Self-Esteem
Grateful people are generally more confident and are more likely to see and appreciate their worth.
How to be more Grateful
Here are 5 simple ways to make gratitude a part of your daily routine.
1. Keep a gratitude journal
Writing down what we’re grateful for is a fantastic way to focus on the good things in life. Make it a habit to take a few minutes each day to jot down three things you’re thankful for in your journal or gratitude pages.
I’ve created two downloadable gratitude pages to help you get started.

2. Show appreciation
It’s easy to overlook the little things that someone does for you every day, but it’s important to let that person know how much you appreciate them. Take the time to say “thank you” and show your appreciation whenever you can.
3. Spend time outdoors
Nature can be a great source of happiness and peace. Make some time in your day to go outside and appreciate the beauty of the world around you. I always feel so much better after I’ve had a walk and spent some time out in the fresh air.
4. Do something for someone else
Gratitude isn’t just about being thankful for what we have – it’s also about giving back! Doing something kind for someone else is a great way to show appreciation and make a positive impact in the world. Not to mention a great example to be setting for our children.
5. Smile and laugh more
Many of us live with a lot of stress in our life. We can easily find ourselves feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Making time for fun and laughter can do wonders for our mood and outlook on life. Try to find time to laugh and smile every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Smiling and laughing release endorphins that make us feel happier and more grateful for what we have.
Teaching Children to be Grateful
Teaching children to be grateful is an important life lesson. Being grateful will help them build a sense of security, well-being, and set them up for a happy and positive life!
One of the best ways to teach children to be grateful is to set an example. You can do this by talking about simple little things that make you happy and why.
A fantastic way to help children practice gratitude is to encourage them to regularly write down what they are grateful for and why.

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