The Essential School Mum Pack – for mums of little girls.

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Last Updated on November 9, 2024 by alli

Do you have a little girl starting (or in) primary school? If so, “The Essential School Mum Pack” is for you! It offers all the printable products that a primary school mum finds herself in need of each school year and MORE! In the pack, you’ll find –

  • Birthday party invitations
  • Classroom Christmas cards
  • Playdate invitations
  • Birthday cards

BONUS! This pack also includes cute and unique printable cards for your daughter to share with her friends at school. These cards were all created for an important purpose. That is, to help reduce bullying at school by teaching little girls what it means to be a “good friend.” By encouraging your daughter to use these products, you’ll be helping promote positive friendships at school. 

Below is a description of all the products in “The Essential School Mum Pack.”

1. Birthday Cards

These super cute, one-sided birthday cards are special because they each come with an uplifting and positive message about friendship. Each time a friend at school is celebrating a birthday, your daughter can choose a card that best describes her friend.

2. Friendship Cards

When I was creating the ‘Friendship Cards’ I was focused on promoting healthy friendships at school. I wanted the cards to be inspiring and I wanted them to make both the little girl giving and the little girl receiving the card feel special and have a sense of pride.

After the cards were created, I asked myself the question “As a mother, how would I feel if my daughter came home with one of these cards?” I know I would feel proud and touched by their sentiment.

3. Thank You Cards

Whenever your daughter has a friend that does something nice for her, you can encourage her to thank that friend with one of these cards.

By allowing your daughter to share these cards around, you are playing your part in promoting positive friendships and contributing towards reducing bullying in our schools.

You are also probably going to make another mum’s day! Imagine how proud you’d feel if your daughter received an acknowledgment for being a kind friend.

4. Playdate Invitations

Kids love playing with their friends. If your daughter is like mine, then she is always asking to have a playdate arranged! Sometimes the playdate is easy to organise because you know the other mother and have her number. Other times it’s tricky because you don’t know each other at all!

My playdate invitations were created to help you easily make contact with the other mum. You have three options to choose from.

*Note: There are two versions in the pack. One with the spelling of “MUM” and one with the spelling of “MOM” (for US moms).

5. Birthday Party Invitations

The Essential School Mum Pack would not be complete without some Birthday Party Invitations. There will undoubtable come a time that you will need to arrange a birthday party… or few! You’ll find two Sleepover invitations also included in the pack.

6. Classroom Christmas Cards (One-sided)

I wanted to create some cute Christmas cards with a message that all kids can relate to. When I thought about what kids love the most about Christmas, the obvious answer was receiving gifts!

The message on the cards is relatable to both boys and girls, and I hope your daughter loves them as much as I do! The cards are one-sided and there are 4 cards on each page. Depending on how many kids are in your daughter’s class, you simply print out how many pages you require and cut them out with scissors.

8.” You tick all the boxes” Friendship cards

School is always a fun place to be if you have good friends. Your daughter can acknowledge any special friendships she has at school with these cards. They’re not only cute, they’re also a lesson in what makes a good friend. I know if my daughter came home with one of these cards, I would feel so proud!

9. Thank you card for the teacher

If your daughter has a great teacher that has left a lasting impression on her then this card is a great choice. The message on the card expresses the positive impact a teacher can make on the life of a student.

For more tips, advice and free resources, don’t forget to subscribe to Little Girl Shining. You’ll be joining a group of mums with one special thing in common… we all have little girls! x

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