Last Updated on December 10, 2024 by alli
I’m very passionate about mums finding time for their own health and wellbeing, and there are two reasons why. One is because when mum is healthy (physically, mentally and emotionally), she functions better and is a better mum.
The other reason is, when you’re a mum of a little girl, your daughter is learning from you. When you prioritise your own health, you’re teaching her how to take care of herself. Afterall, children learn by copying, they are always watching, listening, and learning from us.
Turning my own health around
When my daughter was 5, I went through a tough time with my own health and well-being. I started to experience health issues that I had never experienced before. The issues started and progressively got worse. I could no longer sleep, and was getting 3-4 hours a night at best. My digestion was terrible, and included awful bloating and reflux, not to mention anxiety and mood swings.
I spent a long period feeling like I was a terrible mum, because I couldn’t function properly. I remember thinking to myself, “Who are you?” because I no longer recognised myself. Even thinking back to it now, I feel bad for my daughter because I was not the mum she deserved to have.
She needed a mum that was patient, focused and fun. Instead, what she got each day was someone that was fatigued, short fused and lacked concentration, patience, and motivation.
After about a year of suffering and numerous GP visits, I finally pinpointed what my problem was, and I felt so relieved! I wasn’t a terrible person after all, and none of this was my fault. I (like so many other women) was experiencing early peri-menopause symptoms!
Once I knew what was causing my overall lack of health and well-being, I started to research and make appropriate lifestyle changes. I had to do this not just for myself, but for my family (particularly my daughter).
The Ripple Effect of a Healthy and Happy Mum
A mum’s health and happiness is beneficial to the whole family. I liken it to throwing a pebble into a pond and watching the ripples spread through the water. Here is how the whole family can benefit from a mum’s happiness:
Improved Mood: When you prioritise self-care and take time out for yourself, you’re more likely to be in a good mood, which creates a happier and more harmonious atmosphere at home.
Quality Family Time: By staying active and maintaining good health, you’ll have more energy and will want to spend more quality time with your loved ones. This can be anything from playing games, going for family walks, or simply having meaningful conversations.
Teaching Healthy Habits: Remember, your daughter is watching. By demonstrating the importance of health and wellness, you’re teaching her invaluable life lessons that will stay with her throughout her life.
Promoting Open Dialogue: Taking care of your own health can also start important discussions at home with your daughter. It will make it easier for her to talk to you about her own health concerns or questions, especially later when her hormones kick in during her preteen & teenage years!
Setting an example for your Little Girl
A mum is often the first role model a young girl has. From an early age, your little girl will watch, learn, and absorb your behaviours and habits. It’s not just what we say, but what we do that has a profound impact on a child’s perception of health and well-being. Here’s how you can set an example by prioritising your own health and well-being:
Teach by Example: By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking time out for self-care, you’re teaching your daughter that taking care of her own health is very important and should never be neglected.
Encourage a Positive Body Image: Promoting self-acceptance and a healthy body image starts at home. When your daughter sees you embracing a balanced diet and making time for regular exercise, she’s more likely to develop a positive attitude towards her own body.
Take care of your Mental Wellness: Mental health is as important as physical health. By openly discussing your own mental well-being and seeking help when needed, you’re showing your daughter that it’s okay to ask for support and talk openly about her mental health.
Free Downloadable Health and Wellness Trackers for Mums
A great way to keep an eye on your health and well-being is to use simple handy tools like my Health and Wellness printable trackers. The trackers make it easy for you to set and achieve personal goals relating to your health and lifestyle habits. They will also help you track your progress, and make positive changes where needed.

Remember your health and wellness matters. Not just because you’re taking care of yourself; but also, because you’re setting a powerful example for your little girl. By using my free downloadable trackers, you can keep tabs on your health and make positive changes, because when mum is shining, the whole family benefits.
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