Last Updated on January 28, 2024 by alli
Lets start by stating the obvious. Being a mum is a hard job!
In a single day, the average mum will perform roles from many different professions, all without pay. She’ll do the job of a cook, cleaner, driver, teacher, bookkeeper, laundrette manager, waitress, event organiser, counsellor, hairdresser, tutor, and dog walker… are you tired yet?
When you then consider, a high percentage of mums are also in casual, part-time or full-time employment, and then go home to perform many of these duties, you realise how phenomenal mums are!
Is it any wonder that some days we feel burnt out and struggle to be the mum that we want to be for our daughters?
Many of us feel guilty because we believe we should be doing a better job at motherhood. But having a bad day doesn’t mean we’ve failed. It just means we’re human, and we’ve simple had a bad day.

Words of Encouragement
When you’re feeling flat and defeated, sometimes hearing the right words can put things into perspective and be uplifting.
For this reason, I’ve put together a list of my favourite mum quotes to remind you of how amazing you are. I hope they encourage you to keep going because I bet you are doing a great job!
Here are my 6 favourite quotes that every mother should remember-

1.“There’s no way to a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one”. By Jill Churchill
Don’t let social media posts or glossy magazine articles fool you. There is no such thing as a perfect mother, so don’t even try to strive for it. It’s all the little things we do for our children and family every day that makes a good mum. Besides, in your daughter’s eyes, you are probably perfect anyway!

2. “The very fact that you worry about being a good mum means that you already are one”. By Jodi Picoult
Many mums suffer from “mum guilt”. It’s a constant feeling we carry around with us that we’re not doing enough as a parent, or not doing things the right way. I love this quote by Jodi Picoult because it’s true. The fact that we feel guilt or worry about being a good mum means that we care, and a caring mum is a good mum.

3. “Your kids don’t need a perfect mum, they need a happy mum”. Author unknown
As I’ve written in a previous post about becoming a happier mum, when a mother is happy, that happiness benefits her daughter (and the rest of the family). It’s a flow-on effect.

4. ”Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you”. By Katie Reed
This is so true! One of the first posts I wrote on my blog was about why self-care is important for mums. You are not selfish or self-indulgent if you take time out for yourself. What you are doing is putting importance on your physical and mental health. When a mum feels invigorated, she is happy and the whole family benefits because she is at her best.

5. “To the world you are a mother, but to your family, you are the world”. Author Unknown
This is a fantastic quote to remember when you are having a bad day and feeling flat because even though you may think you are average, to your family you are everything!

6. “All mothers are working mothers”. By Phyllis Diller
Whether we are a mum in part-time or full-time employment, or a full-time stay at home mum, we are all working hard and doing our bit!
Motherhood itself is challenging enough, so we shouldn’t feel any guilt for not being in a place we are not.
As women, we need to come together and be mindful that many working mums carry guilt for not being at home with their children, and at the same time, we need to be understanding of stay at home mums too.
Many stay at home mums have left high paying corporate jobs to be at home with their families. Some may have previously worn the uniform of a nurse, police officer or paramedic.
The mums you see in school playgrounds around the country every day may spend their days at home now, but they each have pasts achievements that are not visible to the rest of us.
No matter what our status, we are all hard-working mums.
I hope these quotes have resonated with you and inspired you in some way. Bad days and struggles come and go, but they don’t define us.
Do you have a favourite quote? If so, what is it and why does it mean something to you?
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