Last Updated on July 23, 2023 by alli
When you’re a mum, it’s easy to get caught up in taking care of your family that you forget to take care of yourself. While you’re busy prioritising others, it’s important to remember that taking time out just for YOU isn’t selfish, it’s necessary for your well-being. In this blog post, I talk about why self-care is important for mums, and provide tips on how you can incorporate it into your daily routine.

What is self-care
Self-care is something a person consciously makes time to do that benefits and promotes their overall well-being. Read that again š
My personal story
When I became a mum, my whole life completely changed in the blink of an eye (said every mother everywhere)!
The lifestyle and freedom I was used to and the person I once was, disappeared with the arrival of my daughter.
I had become a full-time stay-at-home mum and my days were now consumed with serving the needs of my daughter while also managing and running our household.
It didnāt take long before I started to dislike my new life. I became frustrated, unhappy and at times resentful. I felt trapped by the monotony of my day-to-day life.
Without understanding it at the time, there was a reason I was so unhappy and that was because my whole existence was for the purpose of serving others (my family) and I was doing absolutely nothing for myself.
The epiphany
Iāll never forget the night I realised this. We were away for a short family trip and were staying overnight at a motel. I had a shower and was in my underwear when I walked out of the bathroom. Directly outside the door to the bathroom was a long narrow mirror. When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I didnāt recognise myself.
My body had changed without me realising it. I now had cellulite in places that I previously didnāt have any in. I stood there for a long while taking myself in. It’s fair to say I was stunned. I remember saying to my partner, ‘When did all this happen’?
Yes, our bodies change as we age, and most of us (except the lucky few) have cellulite. But, my point is not so much that it happened, but that I didnāt notice it happening! I had stopped looking at myself. I had stopped considering myself. The changes had occurred over time and I didnāt see them happening. How can that even be possible?
That night I decided I needed to make some changes.
When I thought about how I was living, I realised there was no activity in my day that was just for me. I no longer did anything I use to enjoy doing before I became a mum. I had forgotten about my old self, my hobbies, and my interests. I was no longer ME.
The reason self-care is important
Parenting is very consuming of mums and the first thing to disappear is the free time that we once had.
Finding some time in our day when we make ourselves the priority is so vitally important because without it we are not taking care of our health, happiness and well-being.
Unfortunately, for me, finding time for myself was something that didn’t come easily.
At first, I felt guilty and uncomfortable about doing things just for me. It felt self-indulgent and I didnāt want to be seen as putting myself first over my family.
But then I asked myself… If I remain miserable and burnt out, how would that benefit my family anyway? The answer is, it wouldn’t.
I realised that doing things to care for myself was probably one of the best things that I could do for my daughter (and family).
The more things I did that I enjoyed, the happier and more rejuvenated I became, which then made me a better mum to my daughter. Not to mention āHappy wife, happy lifeā for my partner, right?
Why it’s important your daughter sees you taking care of yourself
Your little girl is always watching, listening and learning from you.
You are her benchmark and her role model. She sees how you treat yourself and from that, she will learn how to treat herself.
Different types of self-care
Firstly, itās important to understand that self-care is a personal matter and every mum’s needs and desires will be different. Some mums may prefer a night out, while some may choose more sleep. Nobody knows you better than you. Choose to do something you enjoy and need.
When I decided to introduce some self-care into my life, I started off small. All I did was schedule in a 30-minute morning walk (after I dropped my daughter off at school) and coffee with a friend (at least once a week). Now, years later, self-care is a big part of my life and I couldn’t live without it!
The list of things you can do to promote self-care is endless. As long as it’s something that you enjoy and you find the time to do it, you will benefit from it.
Self-Care Planner Pack
I have created a free ‘Self-Care Planner Pack’ especially for you to help you put a priority on your health and well-being today.
Final Thoughts
I hope this post on self-care has given you some food for thought.
What are you doing currently that promotes your health and well-being? If you’re not doing much, the good news is itās never too late. You donāt have to book a weekend away with the girls, although if you want to go for it! It can be as small as getting a manicure or buying that book you have been meaning to read.
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