A Simple Savings Planner for Mums

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Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by alli

How often do you treat yourself?

There are so many little things I’d love to buy for myself, but I always feel that they are an unnecessary indulgence. So, just like a lot of mums, I do without. Instead, I prioritise my daughter’s needs and wants, the bills, groceries, school fees, and I sacrifice my own desires while doing so.

Recently, a close mum friend told me about a beautiful designer handbag she bought for herself. She said she had been eyeing it up for a long time, and her dream was to one day own it. She then told me about the little process she used to save up for the handbag. I love the idea so much that I’m going to share it with you now.

Save to Treat Yourself!

She simply got herself a jar, and put it in her bedroom. She also cut out a photo of the handbag she wanted to save for and placed it near the jar. Whenever she had some spare coins or notes she put them into this jar and watched the money grow! Yes, it took her months to save for the handbag. But, she was disciplined and determined to treat herself.

The Simple Savings Planner for Mums.

Every mum deserves to have something to look forward to. We all have things that we desire such as shoes, cosmetics, handbags, jewellery, electronic gadgets, the list goes on.

This is why I’ve created the Simple Savings Planner for Mums. It’s a printable savings pack to help mums save some extra money for the purpose of treating themselves to something special. There is only one rule, and that is, that the money you save is for YOU, and you only! 

I understand that the cost of living is high, and for many mums, it’s hard to justify or even find some “spare” cash at the moment. But even the smallest deposits add up over time. Look at my friend who is now the proud owner of a YSL handbag! Happiness is having something to look forward to.

Here are 6 Ways to Find Some Spare Money to Save:

  1. Cut down on or cancel subscriptions where possible.
  2. Write a shopping list and stick to it! You can use my free dinner planners with shopping list printable.
  3. Do your grocery shopping online to avoid impulse buys.
  4. Stock up on household items when they are on sale, such as shampoo, conditioner, dishwashing liquid, toilet paper etc.
  5. Cut back on takeaway coffees and dinners.
  6. Sell any unwanted items on Marketplace, Gumtree or eBay. This can include children’s clothing, shoes, toys, books, household items. Don’t forget to check your garage for unwanted items too.

View a sample of my must have Savings Planner below:

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